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How Long to Make Compost?

How Long to Make Compost?

So you're a garden composter. You've found out how to make compost. You have actually made, purchased, borrowed or stolen a compost bin. You're adding garden waste and recycling kitchen area scraps. Now the uncomfortable bit - the wait ... How long will it require to make the garden compost?

If you have a fairly big compost bin (say 1 metre cubed), the opportunities are you could go on filling it forever. 

As you add to the top, the garden and kitchen waste beneath will slowly be breaking down, composting and creating humus.

 As it does this the organic matter shrinks. That leaves you more room on the top, to include more garden and cooking area waste. 

The problem is, if you never run out of area for the garden waste, opportunities are you will simply go on and on, including more and never seeing the advantage of the abundant garden compost you have made!

For those of you with smaller garden compost bins such as the beehive compost bin, or a kitchen area composter, no such concerns. 

You will lack space fairly quickly therefore automatically stop including more garden waste and naturally wait patiently for your new garden compost to be created. 

In your case you will have discovered quite rapidly that you need a minimum of two compost bins!

Time Limit for Creating the Compost Pile

Unless you have a compost bin you easily fill quickly, you'll need to set yourself a time frame for producing the compost heap. And, you will need to adhere to it! The best way to do this, is to keep a record of when you started your compost heap. Then, according to offered area and time you expect to take to fill it, appoint yourself a date when you will stop putting garden waste on that heap.

We have various compost pile of different sizes from 1/2m cubed to 1m cubed. For the smaller sized compost heap I offer myself 3 months in which to produce the stack. For the larger, we provide 6 months of 'development'. As soon as that date is reached we top off the compost pile and start developing another.

' Capping Off' a Compost pile

For those using sealed garden compost bins, this action is not required. But if you're making compost out in the open, for example in a wooden bay with no lid, you need to secure the compost heap from the elements a little.

* First of all, if its been dry throw on a bucket or two of water to moisten the entire load.
* Then add a layer of thick insulating organic matter. such as lawn clippings or manure. This will keep the load warm, and seal in smells so no vermin (or pets) are attracted to the compost.
* If you experience heavy rain, cover with old carpet, plastic sheeting or an old tarpaulin to deflect the heaviest rainwater.
* Note down the date of 'compost heap completion'.
* Wait!

When will the Garden compost be Ready?

Okay, so the length of time you wait for the compost to be ready depends mostly on the following:

* Climate - in warmer weather condition decomposition is quicker.
* Wetness - you need to ensure the compost pile is moist (not saturated) throughout the time you're awaiting it to develop into full blown garden compost.
* Material Size - great deals of thick woody things will take longer to disintegrate than great deals of little sappy things.
* Material Type - many garden and kitchen area waste will break down pretty quick (within three months so long as it isn't too cold, the particles are well blended and of relatively little size). 

But particular foodstuffs such as bones and egg-shells are pretty dense. These will take 6 months or more to break down. 

Manure from people (humanure) or animals from non organic farms may include veterinary chemical residues. 

These will be gone in three months. But if you farm naturally and offer your produce, you may need to abide by Soil Association guidelines requiring you not to use such composts (consisting of non-organic pig or poultry manure) for as much as six months.

Yes, But The Length Of Time do I Need to Wait for My Compost?

As a rule of thumb. If it doesn't get too cold, and you have actually been a good garden composter, developing a varied compost pile it need to be crumbly hummus in three months.

 You might still see the odd egg-shell or bleached bone (in which case toss them on the next compost heap, and bash them up a bit before contributing to loads in the future), but total your garden compost will be complete.

If you include manure from any omnivores or predators and you are unsure the heap has actually been working efficiently offer the pile six months before using.

How to Tell the Compost Pile is Working Effectively.

I advise routinely having a saucy appearance under the cover of your compost pile to see how its getting on. If it appears very dry you can include some water. If the compost appears extremely damp you can leave the cover off and let it dry out!

Your garden compost ought to fume within the first month of you 'topping off' the compost heap. Sometimes the garden compost can actually be alarmingly hot so take care.

 If you see steam, don't touch it!

 I have been captured out by disintegrating yard clippings, which break down so quickly and produce such huge amounts of heat and steam, to burn the hands when checking the compost heap.

This heat is the important things that rapidly exterminates any nasty pathogens in the compost heap. 

Those pathogens will probably come from food and manure. They're nothing to stress over so long as you remember rigorous health rules when dealing with compost (you're not going to consume it, now are you?).

Cold Compost Suggestion: If your compost does not get hot, decomposition will still occur, but may take a little longer. 

This is especially typical in cool climates where the compost struggles to become a fast hot stack.

As soon as the compost has actually warmed, it will cool again. At this moment - when you see say goodbye to steam, you can turn the garden compost.

Turning a Compost Heap

Now, some people swear that you need to turn compost and others (like myself) swear you don't! Personally, if the compost is heating up nicely and decaying I really do not see the point. 

But, a compost heap which isn't turned might run the (not too major) risk of having non-decomposed matter around its edges. 

But, since we've 'capped off' the compost heap with garden waste which breaks down easily we should not have that issue!

I never ever turn my compost pile. Sometimes I do find the odd woody little matter around the edges of the stack that hasn't completely broken down. I don't see it as a significant problem. I just throw any such bits and bobs onto the next heap.

But, if you really want to turn your compost heap. Here is how its done:

* Pull whatever out of your compost bin or compost making area.
* Put whatever back in your compost bin, or compost pile location.

Not made complex at all. But, you do need to ensure the stuff originally from around the edges of the stack, enters into the middle of your new one. 

And, conversely all the stuff originally from the middle of the stack, goes around the edges of the new one. Once the compost pile has been turned, you must find it will warm up again which will speed up decay.

Unless you have a compost heap which is free-standing and cold with no raw material you can insulate it or top it off with, I find turning the stack unnecessary.

Do not turn your compost heap unless you need to, and are going to do it thoroughly. Otherwise it will be a waste of time for a huge amount of effort.

When is My Garden compost Ready?

I hope this post helps. A well made compost pile need to be ready in three to six months. But, any garden composter will vary due to site and contents. How long compost takes to be all set is highly variable. 

If you use plastic or wood sealed garden compost bins you can be quite sure the compost will be ready in 3 months, as they make sure the compost remains moist and warm.

Our compost heaps are built in open boxes made of pallets, so are midway in between a free-standing compost heap and compost made in a compost bin.

 In the summer season our compost pile take less than three months to break down, but in the winter season it is four or 5.

And when yours is ready grow some beautiful potatoes like the ones above!

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